
Hazrat Khizer ki Dua

Hazrat Khizer ki Dua

Dua Taught by Hazrat Khizer (AS)

Hazrat Abu Bashar Haafi says:When I entered my house one day, I saw a tall man praying inside. I was afraid, because the key to the entrance were with me. That man finished his prayer and said, 'do not be afraid, I'm your brother Khizer.' So, I requested him to teach me something, because of which Allah will bless me. So he said, 'say that I seek forgiveness from the Exalted and Glorious God, and ask Him for absolution, for all such sins that I committed again after repenting. And I seek  forgiveness from the Exalted and Glorious God and ask Him for absolution, for every pledge which I made to myself regarding Allah, and then broke it and did not fulfill it. And I seek forgiveness from the Exalted and Glorious God and ask Him for absolution, for every such blessing which he bestowed upon me my whole life, and I used that blessing for disobeying Him'.

Major (Retd) Ghulam Muhammad

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